+44 (0)1233 627 275

Come and join our Management Development Programme!

Are you looking to improve your management skills? Do you wish you had the tools and techniques to deal with challenging people situations? Do you want to know how to drive performance at the same time as engaging your team? We have created our Management Development Programme to ensure that you feel supported and engaged during modules while developing leadership and management skills. 

The eighth module is a group learning day in which you and fellow delegates will share insights, experiences and successes gained in using the tools learnt throughout the programme. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the measurable impact you feel the programme has had on you as individuals, your team and the business; an opportunity to reflect on your new found leadership and management capabilities.

Tailored training initiative designed for a select group of managers (Group of 12)

Minimum of 6 participants. Max 2 managers from the same company. Our next program to start in Jan 2025 delivered in a hotel in Central, Kent. 

 All modules delivered on a 1-2-1 basis combined with personalised mentoring


The Programme Modules


01 Your management style 04 Managing performance 07 Managing and Leading Change
02 Effective communication 05 Employment Relations 08 Accountability Day
03 Leading teams 06 Personal organisation  




What participants say about the programme?

 I really enjoyed my training programme by Dakota Blue. The course was informative and even though I feel I am an experienced manager, I gained a lot of new knowledge. Jackie was an excellent trainer and she made the course a lot of fun. She was patient and able to answer the questions from myself and my colleagues. I have now put my training into practice at work and can see beneficial results already. I will continue to build on the knowledge I gained to become the best manager I can be.

Visitor Operations Manager, Leeds Castle

I highly recommend the management development programme delivered by Dakota Blue. Jackie is professional, knowledgeable and engaging. This program has given me the tools and skills to be a confident manager. Thank you Jackie!

Events Manager, Leeds Castle

I found the MDP program delivered by Dakota Blue Consulting invaluable in helping me understand the many factors and ingredients in managing both employees and myself. The course has a wealth of information and material, the modules are very interactive and I enjoyed the free discussions and listening to other participants (and realising the challenges are the same regardless of industry). I will be implementing our key takeaways from the course and we have requested a ‘team’ follow-up meeting with Dakota Blue to ensure we keep on track! I would thoroughly recommend any business to use this course to advance their Management teams' performance in handling staff.

Director, IT Support Services Provider

The Dakota Blue Management Development Programme goes beyond the standard off the shelf training course. The programme was centred around a well-structured syllabus with the added flexibility to respond to my own managerial needs and the practical challenges I was facing, and also those of the other course delegates from which I was able to learn.

By running the programme over multiple session, there were many opportunities to reflect on the new skills and assess how well they were working in real-life scenarios, adding even more value to the course take-aways. My particular training cohort gave a good mix of personalities and viewpoints, and it was a pleasure and a privilege to be part of the programme.

Client Services Director, Accounting Software Provider

I am fortunate to be a member of the current group undertaking the Dakota Blue Consulting management development programme. I have learnt about the strengths and weaknesses of my style and approach to management, and how I can approach situations in a more versatile manner to influence change. The biggest take away is the additional confidence the programme has given me.

Jackie Brooker from Dakota Blue Consulting just has the knack of knowing how to deliver a balanced training session. I was naturally apprehensive about attending, wondering; is this going to be a benefit to me, my company? Who else would be in the room? My apprehension was quickly dispelled.

The programme has an abundance of theory on the specific topic in handouts which form part of the discussion, with slide presentations and video content to expand the subject further. An extremely important element of the programme for me is the time allowed for the cohort to bring into the room, real world experience and questions. This collaboration has been a valuable tool to help us bond as a group, and as a result there is a lot of respect and openness which brings an additional dimension to the learning environment.

I feel it would be wrong not to mention the food! The quality of all the food is amazing, the cake in the afternoon session is to die for!

Operations Director, IT Services Company