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Can your staff afford to travel to work?

Updated September 19, 2016

DakotaBlueHRConsulting_Blog_Kent_Commuting.pngAnalysis from TUC and the Action for Rail campaign has found that fares have rocketed by 25 per cent over the past six years, while average weekly earnings have only seen a 12 per cent rise. In other words, the cost of travel is increasing at more than double the rate of wages.


Is this really something that employers need to be concerned about? You might think that how your staff get to work is largely their own business, and out of your control. With the cost of getting into the office increasing at an alarming rate though, business owners may find themselves facing some serious issues.

If your staff commute from a distance, what would happen if they started to seek out opportunities closer to home?

Could they be forced to seek out a higher pay packet, to cover their costs?

And could the stress of the daily commute leave your workers feeling frazzled and demotivated?

When you scratch the surface, it’s easy to see how the issue could start to create real headaches in terms of how you manage your workforce.

Take a proactive approach

First of all, let’s consider for a second whether you actually need to have your staff in the office, every single day of the week. In some businesses, it’s a very obvious pre-requisite to your ability to offer a quality service to your customers and clients. In other companies though, a more flexible approach could bring about huge benefits.

If your staff can work from home, their travel costs may be cut. They’re also going to be spending less time in cramped train carriages, and this can have a positive impact on morale and productivity. Alternatively, letting your staff choose their start and finish time, within a designated window, could mean that they miss rush hour. Plenty of business owners have reservations about offering flexible working practices, but it could be time for you to bring your business up to date.

Some employers decide to take a different approach, and provide financial assistance to help with travel costs. You could add season tickets to your employee benefits, or cover a chunk of the yearly fee. Or you might offer an interest-free loan so your staff can afford to take advantage of the savings that often come with booking a chunk of travel in advance.

You might jump to the assumption that you can’t afford to pay out for extra expenses, but it’s sensible to take a step back and consider the bigger picture. Can you afford to have your staff leaving your business because of escalating travel costs? It might be a balancing act, but it could be worth it.

Would you like the opportunity to discuss your challenges and concerns with an expert, without any obligation? We can arrange a suitable time for an initial consultation, and help you to establish how you can create a positive working environment for your staff, which will increase their performance. Please visit our web page for more information about a full HR assessment.

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