Where has the year gone? It feels like it was only yesterday that we were reminding everyone to do their annual performance reviews. So, despite the fact that you and your team are possibly in holiday season mode, searching for your suitcases and shorts, it’s also time to do a mid-year performance review for each of your staff. If you don’t do it now, it’ll be Christmas before you know it.
We’re big fans of regular performance reviews. Keeping them shorter and more regular keeps momentum up and drives motivation and performance. For many employees, an annual review can be seen as just a way of ticking the boxes. A chance to sit down and discuss what they can do to improve the way they work, note it all down, and then file it away for another year where the same discussion happens again.
By introducing regular, shorter reviews, managers and their teams can effectively create action plans designed to improve performance, whilst also creating a regular check in point.
Book your review
Even if you haven’t done monthly reviews, there’s still time to get a mid-year performance review in the diary. Contact your team in advance and arrange time in the diary for them. Make sure you give them some notice too. A sudden, unexpected performance review could be potentially unsettling for staff. Additionally, set some objectives for the meeting so your reviewees can prepare. If you have remote workers check with them about whether they would like to meet in person or use a video conferencing facility. The key is to make sure that everyone in the meeting is at ease.
Make sure you’re prepared too, after all you will be discussing someone’s career. Take a look through their previous review and come up with some action points that you think could drive them forwards over the next 6 months.
Introducing a performance management system or app can make preparation a lot easier and enables staff members to upload proof of their achievements. It also creates a level playing field for both the reviewer and reviewee and fosters a level of transparency.
Follow Up
Don’t let any performance management reviews gather dust. They should be working documents that are continuously referred back to. If you aren’t in the habit of regular monthly reviews, use this as an opportunity to change your processes. This could also mean that you discover that you need to change your management techniques or develop in your role. Dakota Blue run a popular Management Development Programme which, amongst other things, teaches how to motivate teams and improve performance.