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What perks should you be offering your employees?

Updated April 16, 2019

Many businesses are struggling to compete on salary and attract and retain the best talent. One method that employers can use rather than salary, are perks. These give your employees a range of benefits that can inspire them, increasing performance and encouraging them to stay.

Do you know what perks and benefits your employees really want?

A buzz term that employers looking to avoid a high turnover of staff is the employee experience. But what exactly does this mean? Do you need to insert a juice bar or ping pong table in to the workplace?  According to Perkbox then yes, a ping pong table is great but not so much yoga classes. They’ve compiled a list of 50 employee perks and asked people to separate the gimmicks from the gold dust in The Great Perk Search. They have set out to find the UK’s favourite employee benefits and if you are considering offering perks to your staff then we thought you should check this out to see what people really want.

Bringing in fun perks can be a nice have and can give people a stress relieving break in the workplace. But organisations need to consider what people are really looking for from an employer and the brand identity of their organisation. Are the perks you offer a gimmick with little take up or are they aligned to the company’s values and of real value to employees helping to drive their performance?

Creating a great working environment and company culture takes substance and strategy

Employees are struggling with a multitude of challenges from rising costs in housing, transport etc. to stress and mental health issues, which in part is caused by the 24/7 working lifestyles. An employer that proactively helps with these challenges, by providing support to achieve a better work life balance will certainly be an appealing employer to work for and stick with.

Developing strategies that will make your business a great place to work is paramount in this challenging environment of increased mobility and the shift in culture away from a job for life.

For more information on rewards and benefits see our blogs:

Pay and reward

Flexible and voluntary benefits