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Dakota Blue Consulting Blog

Rocket your team performance in 2016

Rocket your team performance in 2016

So when you take a look back at how your business performed in 2015, are you satisfied with what was achieved? A little reflection is always useful, but now is the time to start thinking about the future. You no doubt have big plans for the next 12 months. You’ve got targets to meet and goals to smash, and if you want to ensure that your plans become a reality, then you’re going to have to give some serious consideration to how you’ll make sure that you get the most out of your staff. Here we take a look at three ways to rocket your team’s performance for the year ahead.
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All The Answers You Need To Your Christmas HR Questions

All The Answers You Need To Your Christmas HR Questions

While most people begin to look forward to a little rest and recuperation over the Christmas period, it’s around about now that managers and business owners start to think about the nitty gritty, practical issues that they’ll have to contend with to keep their workforce engaged, motivated, and problem-free. Read on to get the lowdown on what you really need to know. We’ve cut away all the jargon and fluff, so you can work out the best course of action for your business.
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Three Signs That Your Business Isn't Ready For The Festive Rush

Three Signs That Your Business Isn't Ready For The Festive Rush

Parents across the land are starting to encourage good behaviour by reminding their kids that Santa is playing close attention. Christmas is coming! This time of the year offers some wonderful opportunities for businesses, but if you aren't prepared you could find yourself hugely disappointed come January when assessing how your operations shaped up. Here we take a look at 3 important indicators that you've still got some serious work to do.
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Why Don't Your Employees Trust You

Why Don't Your Employees Trust You

Trust is a funny old issue. It's hard to describe and arguably not very measureable. But a lack of trust between management and employees can cause businesses serious problems; low productivity, high turnover of staff and a bad reputation as an employer to name a few. Find out here some things you need to avoid to build a climate of trust in your workforce.
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How to welcome new staff into existing teams

How to welcome new staff into existing teams

Recruiting a new member of staff for your growing business can be a really exciting time, but it’s something that you should definitely consider carefully before you rush into taking action. One of the key challenges that you’re going to face is ensuring that your new recruit is welcomed into your existing team without any significant teething problems. Follow our top 3 tips to ensure your new team member gets off to a flying start.
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Simple Ways To Improve Your HR Practices By The End Of The Year

Simple Ways To Improve Your HR Practices By The End Of The Year

In the last few months of the year, as well as making that big push to achieve your goals, there should also be plenty of time for reflection to work out your wins, losses, and what you need to do differently next year. Make sure that you don’t neglect thinking about your people practices and how you’ve performed over the course of the past 12 months. It’s true that many HR changes can’t be achieved overnight, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take action. This is what we suggest to start making those positive and tangible changes.
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Why Don't You Have Your Secret HR Weapon?

Why Don't You Have Your Secret HR Weapon?

Growing a business without HR expertise is challenging at best, and a constant uphill struggle at worst. If you’ve ever had to tackle a people issue on your own, you’ll know just how stressful it can be. Between trying to manage your legal obligations, and meeting your operational requirements, firefighting can become part of your everyday routine if you aren’t careful. Find out here why you should consider a retainer relationship with your HR Consultant.
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It's Time to Rethink Your Appraisals

It's Time to Rethink Your Appraisals

Despite suggestion that it’s time for appraisals to be scrapped in favour of more business-focused solutions, they still have a very important role to play. But it’s true that it may be time to update your approach, and consider how you can make your performance management systems really work for your business. Read on to find out more about the directions that you might want to take in the future.
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Are you wasting time with vague job adverts?

Are you wasting time with vague job adverts?

Are you giving enough information in your job adverts? Are they enticing enough to attract the right candidates? Follow these tips to make sure you get your job adverts right.
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Richard Branson's Advice on Mentoring

Richard Branson's Advice on Mentoring

Are you ready to take the advice of Richard Branson, and a different approach to the ongoing development of your staff? Mentoring is a great leadership skill and can bring great returns on investment for your business
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